Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gal Pals for Christ - April 2011 Gathering

Time: Friday, April 8 · 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: New Creation Fellowship - All purpose building cafeteria
30190 CR10
Granger, IN

Come and join us at New Creation Fellowship (meeting in the all-purpose building cafeteria), for our April Gal Pals For Christ Gathering.
Gal Pals for Christ is a ministry aimed at bringing Christian women together for the purpose of building Christ Centered Friendships.

Come and join us on April 8th at 6:30pm, and enjoy a time of encouragement, lots of laughs, and an opportunity to meet other Christian Women.
For this gathering, ...we will be ...having a "pot Luck" with a spring type theme, and are asking everyone to bring a dish to pass. Whatever you bring, we will eat. Plates, silverware, napkins and beverages will be provided.

***It is very important that you RSVP to this event so we are prepared properly for those in attendance.***
If you would like to bring a friend who may not be part of facebook, but would like to attend, please just send me a message to let me know, so that we may add them to our count for those planning to attend.
We hope you will step out in faith and join us!!!

See More

Friday, January 14, 2011

Its been awhile

Well it has been awhile since I have updated this blog....and its a new year. :)
Gal Pals has been meeting about every 3 months or so. Vincy, Leslee and I are looking forward to getting together soon for a weekend to get some things planned out for the year. Vincy and Jen also have a blog if you are intersted in following either of those as well. Vincy's is: and Jen's is We pray they are a blessing to you.

We have been praying for Leslee who has been dealing with symptoms and some medical concerns. Please keep her in your prayers. Here is her latest update:

"First of all, I really want to thank all of you that have taken the time to encourage me and tell me you are praying. You all have no idea how much I appreciate all of you!! I have truly wonderful friends and I am so thankful for each one of you! When this all began, I was so nervous. It was difficult to try to deal with it and be strong for our kids. Each time I have trouble with my heart racing or dizzy spells, the kids are am I. Having you all as support is a gift from God that I will not soon forget. Your genuine concern, love and support means so much.

My ultra sound was Fri. I found out that I have a large cyst on my thyroid. It appears to be fluid filled with some thick matter in it that will have to be tested. BUT....the ultra sound tech found 5 more "spots". She labeled some as nodules and some as small cysts. It looks like at this point I will not have to have surgery but will have to have the large cyst aspirated. (This means sticking in a large needle and extracting the fluid for testing.) Hopefully, the extraction of the interior fluid will help to decrease the thyroid problems that I have been having. I was told that I have an interior cyst and not a cyst on the exterior of my thyroid, thus the extreme thyroid conditions. I was also told that the thyroid is very grumpy when it is messed with and is revolting just because of the cyst. We are praying that the cyst does not refill and doesn't require being taken out surgically.

I have to wait for the surgeon to view the ultra sound pictures and make the final decision about surgery. The surgery date is Jan 28th but am hopeful about it turning into an in office aspiration and not a surgery. I will have to go in every 6-12 months to watch the growth of the other "spots". I know this will be an on going issue for me but am thankful that I am now aware of it and we are able to watch it. I am also thankful that, at this point, I do not have to be on thyroid regulatory meds.

Thank you for hanging on to the "Drama of my Life"...stay tuned for another adventure :) The ultra sound tech said she had never seen so many spots on one thyroid...yes, I am a freak of nature, but rest in the knowledge that my savior holds me and I strive to stay in HIS will. Thanks again, love you all!"

Thanks for your prayers for her!! God Bless

Saturday, November 20, 2010

November Gathering

Last night was our November gathering and was a huge blessing full of food, fellowship, and excellent message given by our own Leslee Onnink, who taught on prayer, as well as bonding time followed by prayer for requests given. (be sure to see some of the posted pics)
In January, Vincy, Leslee and I are planning to get together for some much needed plan time for Gal Pals...and try to plan out activites for the year 2011 both structured gatherings as well as the more casual bonding time, we hope at many different locations. One of our Gal Pals (Brenda Smith) even mentioned the idea of an overnight - how fun would that be??? Anyway, please keep us in prayer as we follow the Lords lead in this ministry. My eyes well will tears of joy and thanksgiving as I think of what a blessing all of you are and what God has just begun with this ministry. I am so thankful for all of you. Many I have met in person and many I will meet in the future - God Bless you all in your upcoming Thanksgivings.

***** My heart is also heavy for a fellow Gal Pal who is struggling health wise and has given me the ok to post her request for prayer to all of you. Nancy Parker Newbill is stuggling with health issues with her heart. She has told me that the doctors have told her that they have done all they can do for her and has also said "Without divine intervention my heart is going to give out". I am asking for you all to hold her up in prayer. We know that healing is ours according to the following scriptures:

He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him and with His stripes I am healed. Isaiah 53:5

My light has broken through like the morning, my healing has sprung forth speedily, my righteousness has gone before me and the glory of the Lord is my rear guard. Isaiah 58:8

God, You have restored health to me and healed me of all my wounds. Jeremiah 30:17

God has brought health and healing to me and revealed an abundance of peace and truth to me. Jeremiah 33:6

I attend to Your words, I incline my ears to Your sayings, I do not let them depart my from eyes, I keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life to me and healing and health to my flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22

God has taken all sickness and disease away from my midst. Exodus 23:25

You are the Lord that healed me. Exodus 15:26

The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, that same Spirit quickens my mortal body and infuses it with the zoe life of God, every single day. Romans 8:11

Please keep Nancy in your prayers and be in agreement along with us on this issue.

Love and prayers to all of you,
Jen (Vincy and Leslee)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

April Gathering - dont miss it!!!

Date: Friday, April 9, 2010
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: New Creation Fellowship/ Academy Cafeteria
Street: 30190 County Road 10
City/Town: Granger, IN

Come and join us at New Creation Fellowship/ (meeting in the Academy Cafeteria), for our April Gal Pals For Christ Gathering. Gal Pals for Christ is a ministry aimed at bringing Christian women together for the purpose of building Christ Centered Friendships. Come and join us on April 9th at 6:30pm, and enjoy a time of encouragement, lots of laughs, and an opportunity to meet other Christian Women.
For this gathering, we will be having a "pot Luck" and are asking everyone to bring a dish to pass. Whatever is brought we will eat. Plates, silverware, napkins and beverages will be provided.
You are being exclusively invited through our Gal Pals For Christ Facebook site.
***It is very important that you RSVP to this event so we are prepared properly for those in attendance.***
If you would like to bring a friend who may not be part of facebook, but would like to attend, please email me at to let me know, so that we may add them to our count for those planning to attend.
We hope you will step out in faith and join us!!!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An additional article written for the Examiner - check it out

Here is an additional article written for the Examiner:

Our Ministry was featured in the South Bend Tribune - Praise God!!

Our Ministry was featured today in the South Bend Tribune - Praise God!! If you would like to see it - here is the link to view the story:

Thursday, January 7, 2010

February 5th - the next Gal Pals for Christ Event - dont miss it!!!

Host: Gal Pals for Christ
Type: Meetings - Club/Group Meeting
Network: Global
Date: Friday, February 5, 2010
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: South Bend Chocolate Cafe - Rockne Room
Street: 122 South Michigan Street

Description Come and join us at South Bend Chocolate Cafe (Rocke Room), for our February Gal Pals For Christ Gathering.
Gal Pals for Christ, is a ministry aimed at bringing Christian women together for the purpose of building Christ Centered Friendships. Come and join us on February 5th at 6:30pm, and enjoy a time of encouragement, lots of laughs, and an opportunity to meet other Christian Women.
For this gathering, we will be having a "pot Luck" and are asking everyone to bring an appetizer, salad, or main dish to pass. Last time we did this, we had some AWESOME food, so we decided to do this again. Please plan to purchase your own beverage and dessert from the SB Chocolate Cafe. Plates, silverware, napkins and will be provided.
We are looking forward to getting together again with those awesome gals we have met previously through this ministry and those we will soon meet - we sure hope you will decide to join us.

If you would like to bring a friend who may not be part of facebook, but would like to attend, please email me at to let me know, so that we may add them to our count for those planning to attend.
We hope you will step out in faith and join us!!!


*This is NOT an event sponsored by WFRN*