Saturday, November 20, 2010

November Gathering

Last night was our November gathering and was a huge blessing full of food, fellowship, and excellent message given by our own Leslee Onnink, who taught on prayer, as well as bonding time followed by prayer for requests given. (be sure to see some of the posted pics)
In January, Vincy, Leslee and I are planning to get together for some much needed plan time for Gal Pals...and try to plan out activites for the year 2011 both structured gatherings as well as the more casual bonding time, we hope at many different locations. One of our Gal Pals (Brenda Smith) even mentioned the idea of an overnight - how fun would that be??? Anyway, please keep us in prayer as we follow the Lords lead in this ministry. My eyes well will tears of joy and thanksgiving as I think of what a blessing all of you are and what God has just begun with this ministry. I am so thankful for all of you. Many I have met in person and many I will meet in the future - God Bless you all in your upcoming Thanksgivings.

***** My heart is also heavy for a fellow Gal Pal who is struggling health wise and has given me the ok to post her request for prayer to all of you. Nancy Parker Newbill is stuggling with health issues with her heart. She has told me that the doctors have told her that they have done all they can do for her and has also said "Without divine intervention my heart is going to give out". I am asking for you all to hold her up in prayer. We know that healing is ours according to the following scriptures:

He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him and with His stripes I am healed. Isaiah 53:5

My light has broken through like the morning, my healing has sprung forth speedily, my righteousness has gone before me and the glory of the Lord is my rear guard. Isaiah 58:8

God, You have restored health to me and healed me of all my wounds. Jeremiah 30:17

God has brought health and healing to me and revealed an abundance of peace and truth to me. Jeremiah 33:6

I attend to Your words, I incline my ears to Your sayings, I do not let them depart my from eyes, I keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life to me and healing and health to my flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22

God has taken all sickness and disease away from my midst. Exodus 23:25

You are the Lord that healed me. Exodus 15:26

The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, that same Spirit quickens my mortal body and infuses it with the zoe life of God, every single day. Romans 8:11

Please keep Nancy in your prayers and be in agreement along with us on this issue.

Love and prayers to all of you,
Jen (Vincy and Leslee)