Monday, August 3, 2009

How It All Began

Our friendship began a few years back, first, with Jen and Leslee attending the same college and becoming friends. Then over several months of communication through email and phone calls, Jen meeting Vincy who also happens to be a local Christian radio station DJ. After Jen and Vincy bonded, Jen then introduced Leslee to Vincy. From that point on the three have been inseperable.
From the start of our friendships together, we have always felt as though the three of us would be "doing something for the Lord together" but we never knew exactly what that was. As time has gone by, the Lord has shown each of us individually, that He would like for us to use our own personal testimonies, as well as our friendship testimony to speak to, and reach other women for Christ.
Since receiving this confirmation from the Lord, we have moved forward in faith, step by step, to carry out whatever plan the Lord has for our lives in this ministry. The awesome thing about this is that even though none of us knows exactly where this ministry is headed, the Lord knows exactly where He is going to take us on this journey. Our constant prayer for this ministry is that we never move ahead of the Lord, and that we stay completely open to His direction as we listen for His voice in showing us the next step.

We presently have a group site on facebook that already has over 200 women as members, and who are followers of the page. That in itself is a miracle of God. If you would like to join that facebook site, just go to the seach bar on your facebook page and type in GAL PALS FOR CHRIST, and then click "join this group".

On July 24th 2009, Leslee and Jen joined Vincy on the WFRN Morning Show to discuss friendships as well as give an introduction to our Gal Pals For Christ vision.

We have already booked a site for our very first Gal Pals For Christ event which will be held on August 21st. We are praying that the Lord will have those women come who really need to hear the message we have that particular evening, as well as those who could connect with others that will show up that evening. Our space is limited to 40 people, so we know that God knows exactly who needs to be there. We are also praying about future sites.

Tomorrow night we will get together to discuss details of that event as well as looking into promotional items for future meetings or conferences. We are praying for financial needs for the ministry and know that because this is God's "baby" that He will be faithful in that realm of need too.
It is sooooo exciting to watch God work and believe it - He is movin Big Time!!!

Thank You Lord for your provision, wisdom and clarity as we hear Your voice moving us in Your direction for this ministry step by step day by day. In Jesus Name!!!

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