Saturday, October 10, 2009

Great October Gal Pals Gathering

Last night was our October Gal Pals for Christ gathering, and we had a blessed turn out of women. A great combination of those who have attended before, as well as new comers. We decided to try something new and have a "pot luck" type meal that went over wonderfully, with a great combination of foods. perfect for a meal and dessert.
Jen opened the evening with an introduction to the purpose and vision of the ministry, making a point to communicate that our goal is to always have Christ in the drivers seat. Leslee, then had some creative ice breaker ideas, as well as door prizes. Jen then prayed for the meal and we moved into the eating part of the gathering - YUM!
Vincy, spoke to the ladies and gave a message on "Letting Go In Order To Hold On" and shared much of her life testimony.
Leslee, had a few more pize give aways, and then it was time to get creative. Leslee, showed and encouraged the ladies to make a card and envelope to send or give to someone as an encouragement. Jen closed with a challenge to the ladies and a prayer. The evening was such a blessing to us, and even more evident that God knows what He is doing and is completely in charge of where this ministry is headed. It is so exciting to see God work in His way and in His time.
We believe the next meeting with probably be after the holidays in January. We will post again when we have a date and a place for the gathering nailed down. Please continue to pray for Gods direction in this ministry. Blessings to you.

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